Evaluate your tax situation

How much does the IRS say you owe?

$125,000 $250,000
$125,000 $250,000
Do you have unfiled tax returns?

Evaluate your tax situation

By evaluating your tax situation, you can identify areas where you may be able to reduce your tax burden.

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Solving an issue related to tax debt can be both intimidating and time-consuming. No matter what you do, you should never delay your payment and wait until the next coming year. The longer you ignore IRS notices, audits and penalties, the harder it will be for you to settle your tax problem. In Wisconsin, you can get a consultation for tax relief on matters related to wage garnishment and tax liens. It’s always recommended for taxpayers to use the services of a WI tax firm for extra help.

Why Tax Attorney is Your Best Way to Solve Tax Debt

When you are faced with tax debt, it's normal for taxpayers to worry about everything. A tax problem can lead to more than paying just any back taxes you owe; it can also affect your properties, assets, and business. This is why getting a tax attorney to work together with and represent you well will be very important. Often, there are payment options which you can look into that can have you paying significantly less than what you owe.

Payment Options for Taxpayers Who Owe Money

If you can’t pay in full but you know you owe taxes, there are options for you. One of the options you can choose would be an offer in compromise. This is where you would pay back a certain amount at one time and have the rest forgiven. If your spouse is the one at fault, such as incorrectly filing taxes or having debt on their own, you can apply for innocent spouse relief, which will absolve you of most, if not, all the debt. Finding a tax attorney can help you out of any bind that you find yourself in.