Evaluate your tax situation

How much does the IRS say you owe?

$125,000 $250,000
$125,000 $250,000
Do you have unfiled tax returns?

Evaluate your tax situation

By evaluating your tax situation, you can identify areas where you may be able to reduce your tax burden.

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Going through a divorce can be very difficult. You have to make many changes in your life, including how to file your taxes. With a divorce rate of 12.9% taking place in Westminster, Colorado, knowing how to file is important. A tax relief professional can make filing your taxes after a divorce easier though.

Determine What You Need to Claim

After items have been divided between a couple after a divorce, it can be hard to know who has to pay taxes on the property. You also need to know what filing status you need to use. A tax relief professional in Westminster, CO can help you establish if you can claim your children for deductions, as well. The professional can also let you know if you need to claim your child support or alimony payments when filing.

What Deductions Are Available to You

Many people don’t realize that a divorce can qualify them for a few deductions. When you go through a divorce, you can sometimes deduct the legal fees that you had to pay. You also may be able to deduct some of the cost of selling your home, if it had to be sold.