Un-Tax-Able, Inc. (Mario Abreu)
At Un-Tax-Able, Inc. dba H&R Block we help individuals, families, and independent professionals prepare and file their income tax in the most cost effective manner savings substantial time and money.
Not only are Income tax one the biggest expense middle income taxpayers faced every year but preparing and filing your income tax returns is often time consuming, irritating and expensive. Unreadable tax publications, confusing terminology and a daunting IRS Manual make it almost impossible for the average tax payer to feel confident about filing his or her income tax.
We make filing your tax easy, affordable and reliable.
Serving Latinos and Other Minorities with pride and professionalism. Helping families make the most of their current financial situation while helping them prepare for tomorrow.
Located on the West Farm Area of the Bronx, two blocks from the Bronx Zoo.
Got a Tax Problem? Our wide range of Tax Resolution Services can put the Tax Relief you NEED within reach. No need to stress.
If you are having tax problems, DO NOT become the victim of a scam! We are a family-focused business that has nothing to hide and genuinely cares about our clients. We aren’t sending unsolicited letters in the mail promising unrealistic results and then running off with your money. We aren’t going anywhere. Our goal is to build life-long relationships with our clients, to see you get the tax resolution and relief you need, achieve your financial goals, and make informed decisions on your tax situation.
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Take control of your financial situation today and get a quote for tax relief services!
Get Quote3058 3rd Ave Apt a, Bronx NY, 10451
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La Bori
Thank you
Melissa R. Ruiz
Thank you for the amazing work and dedication you have provided to me throughout this time of despair.
Elizabeth Holguin
I have been a client with Untaxable, Inc., for the past five years. I am very satisfied with the services they offer me. Untaxable always looks out for my best interest; they are very humble friendly people. I have to say they are courteous and professional with their clients and I highly recommend their services to my family and friends.
Paul Turner
Mario and Cristian are a pleasure to work with. I highly recommend their services.
Yonara Valerio
Mi experiencia con Untaxable ha sido excelente. Comenzamos una amistad profesional en Banco Popular donde yo trabajaba hace 5 años. La atencion y el profesionalismo de Cristian y Mario me brindaron la seguridad y confianza para yo comenzar a preparar mis impuestos con ellos. Desde que nuestra amistad comenzo hemos mantenido contacto no solo en temporada de llenar los impuestos, si no durante todo el año con cualquier pregunta que yo tenga en referencia a mis finanzas y tambien otros temas. Mantengo una relacion mas cercana con Mario y le agradesco su pronta atencion a mis necesidades. Desde que nos conocimos he crecido personal y profesionalmente y con cada cambio ellos han sido a quienes le confio mis inquietudes financieras. Mi experiencia ha servido para referirle sus servicios a mis amistades y familiares para que asi ellos tambien depositen su confianza en las personas que yo he confiado los ultimos 5 años. Los he visto crecer en el tiempo que he estado con ellos y les deseo que continuen con su profesionalismo y dedicacion que de esta manera cada dia mas puertas se le abriran tanto en lo profesional como en lo personal. Gracias Untaxable.