Evaluate your tax situation

How much does the IRS say you owe?

$125,000 $250,000
$125,000 $250,000
Do you have unfiled tax returns?

Evaluate your tax situation

By evaluating your tax situation, you can identify areas where you may be able to reduce your tax burden.

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There are nearly 193,000 people in Overland Park, KS choosing to continue their education. Going to college can be extremely expensive. Fortunately, there are many deductions available to make paying taxes more affordable. With so many tax laws in effect, there may be some deduction you're not aware of. Your tax relief professional can make sure that you get those deductions, even if you've already filed your taxes.

You May Qualify for the Lifetime Learning Credit

For example, many people assume that college deductions are only available for younger students. That isn’t the case, though. The Lifetime Learning Credit is available regardless of your age. A tax relief specialist can help you determine if you qualify for the credit. Up to $2,000 credit is available each year and a specialist in Overland Park, Kansas can help you prove that you spent the required amount to qualify for the credit.

You May Qualify for the American Opportunity Tax Credit

Are you familiar with the American Opportunity Tax Credit? Students who are going to finish their degree in four years may want to talk to their tax specialist about the American Opportunity Tax Credit. The specialist can help you determine if you go to school enough throughout the year. They can also help you prove how much you spent each year in tuition. The specialist can help you determine what your tax liability is. If your liability is low enough, you could have up to 40% of the credit refunded to you quickly and easily.

While these examples illustrate small needs for tax relief help, the same applies for other needs, such as wage garnishment, bank levy, payment arrangements, and more. Contact a tax relief specialist near you in Overland Park, KS for help with any of your tax relief needs, big or small.